
Laser Light · 47 mins

Ancient towers hide the symbols that will transport you to new experiences of sight and sounds. Should you survive the journey through the four space-time pillars, a portal will be opened into a previously unseen and unheard dimension! Laseropolis is an eclectic mix of musical themes surveying pop, rock, alternative and oldies. Playlist: Song - - - Artist - Karn Evil 9 - Emerson, Lake & Palmer - Head Over Feet - Alanis Morrisette - Rock Lobster - The B-52’s - Firestarter - Prodigy - Under the Milky Way - The Church - Papua New Guinea - Future Sounds of London - Spiderwebs - No Doubt - Foreplay - Boston - Champagne Supernova - Oasis - End of the World (As We Know It) - R. E. M. - Torn - Creed - Smells Like Teen Spirit - Nirvana - One of These Days - Pink Floyd