»SpacePark360« is an immersive entertainment show – an amusement park with its rides placed throughout the solar system. An out of this world theme park, with a thrill ride at every planet in the solar system, SpacePark360 recreates the experience of amusement park thrill rides — roller coasters, pendulums, inverters, and more. It‘s an E-Ticket ride of astronomical proportions! Playlist Roller Coaster - Planet -- Song by Artist 1. Quicksilver - Mercury -- You Spin Me Round (like a record) by Dope 2. Twin Tornadoes - Venus -- Chelsea Dagger by The Fratellis 3. Tumbler - Earth -- More Human Than Human by White Zombie 4. Ares Express - Mars -- Here It Goes Again by OK Go 5. Vertigo - Jupiter -- Vertigo by U2 6. CH4 - Saturn -- Ring of Fire by Social Distortion 7. Delirious - Uranus -- Stuck In The Middle With You by Stealers Wheel 8. Black Hole - Neptune -- Fly Away by Lenny Kravitz 9. Diablo - IO -- Stone Cold Crazy by Metallica